Entries by Emma

Planting Seeds

Cara famiglia, Mom I hope you had a good birthday! I ate gelato in celebration of you, don’t you worry.  I’m going to email you a picture of the proof 🙂 (By the way it was THE BEST GELATO I have EVER HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.) Hello from Rimini!  Rimini has beautiful, beautiful, beautiful […]

Una nuova città

Buongiorno famiglia! Ciao from Rimini!  Let’s see. My companion is Sister Ervin and I LOVE HER.  She’s a transfer ahead of me and is amazing.  She has such an optimism, love for life and others, and a way of building up people around her.  She is a great missionary and has a lot to teach […]

Arrivederci, Verona

Carissima famiglia, Okay, yep I’m leaving. I’m leaving this beautiful city!  Not gonna lie, I’m a little heartbroken and not really knowing what to feel.  The predictions came true, our coppia that we opened will be given to elders, and Sorella Acerson and Sorella Gross are going to be companions.  When the APs called, as […]

Lezioni, Baci, e Il piano di Dio

Cara la mia famiglia, Hello again! The weeks seem to go by so much faster here. I feel like I was here just yesterday, and yet so much has happened. Story time! The anziani taught and baptized a man from Romania a couple months ago.  Since then, both of his children have been baptized.  For […]

Il cuore e la anima – Heart and Soul

Cara famiglia, So this week has been filled with a lot of finding work. A lot of finding work. Lots of ups and downs, but so is life, right? Really, this week has been more of a self-reflection week for me.  Not intentionally.  A mission really makes you realize a lot about yourself really quickly. […]


Cara famiglia, This week has been filled with adventures and laughter and lots of sweat, haha. And lots of miracles.  We have met a lot of potential investigators that hopefully will turn into progressing investigators 🙂  Tomorrow is a major holiday in Italy where everything shuts down and goes off work.  So wish us luck! […]

Mangia mangia!

Cara famiglia, Questa settimana era bellissima!!! Can I just tell you, it has been so good. Perchè? I will explain. So, as I mentioned last week, there have been some issues with my permesso di soggiorno.  We have to take a culture class for two days, and I never received a date.  Every agency that […]

Dammi cuore

Familigia, Thank you for your emails! They really are so uplifting. Mom, I got the camera chord…but…it doesn’t fit the camera.  So I’m really sorry there aren’t pictures.  I was so sad that it didn’t work because I was so so excited.  I’m debating just buying a whole new camera because I’m so frustrated with […]

Paesini e tiramisu

Buongiorno! We say that to everyone as we walk around – buongiorno, buongiorno, buongiorno! Most people look at us like we’re really weird.  People are just a little bit closed off here. I think this email will be a little bit real. It’s been a week, and we still aren’t teaching anyone.  We have been […]


Carissimo la mia famiglia,   Thank you for your emails.  Mary, I laughed so hard at your story! I miss you all so much. A mission is a roller coaster ride.  There are so many emotions – one day you’re on such a high or you’re laughing so hard, the other day you’re crying because […]

Ogni giorno è un’avventura

Caro la mia famiglia, So, as the subject for my email states – every day is an adventure. I always come home at the end and think – wow, did we really do all that today? Did that really happen? So, today I’m going to tell you a story from every day this week! Thursday: We […]


Ciao famiglia! So I don’t have a ton of time today, mi dispiace.  So here are just a couple of things that I wanted to share 🙂 First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRISON!! It’s July 3rd in Italy right now, and you’re 14, and I can’t believe it.  You’re gonna be in high school.  And […]

Choosing Faith In Italia

My dearest family, I am trying so hard not to cry as I read all of these emails that I just received from you all.  My companion would freak out 🙂 Since I told her that I never cry.  That’s changing fast. Where to begin?! (the keyboards are different and I’m having trouble getting used […]

Last week in the MTC

Caro la mia famiglia! I fly to Italy in 6 DAYS!!! I am beyond excited, a little nervous, and way in over my head.  But the Lord is with me always and I know I can do this. This last week has been one of the best weeks so far.  Maybe because we’re leaving soon, […]

Has it really been a month already?

Caro la mia famiglia, Congrats for being done with school! My thoughts have been with you all this weekend as I thought of the twins graduating and walking in their graduation robes and getting their diplomas.  And everyone else, I love you all and miss you, and I think of you and pray for you […]

3rd week in the MTC

Can I just begin by saying – I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. Seriously.  It is one of the most empowering and moving things to sing “Called to Serve” with this army of missionaries. This has been the hardest week so far (ha, it’s only been three weeks) – but, I have learned so much.  It’s […]

2nd Week in the MTC

Caro la mia famiglia, Thank you so so much for the letters and the pictures.  Tell Grammie that I got her package, and thank her for the candy! I’m gaining weight…I can feel it.  But I promise I am exericising every day. I still have trouble falling asleep at night even though I’m exhausted. I […]