Santa Clause is a Vampire and Other Relationship Advice

Today we’re picking Anna up from school.  She was explaining all of her theories  and asking lots of questions about Santa Clause.

She says, “Look. I figured it out.  Santa is a vampire.  It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Why is Santa a vampire, Anna?

2 reasons: He lives forever. And he has super speed.

Then she proceeded to ask: How come we never see Santa’s reindeer on the roof?  I mean, I know he has helpers, but it doesn’t make sense.

Next question:  One time I received a dress from Santa and there was still a price tag on it. Explain.

I was just writing down everything she was saying and trying not to let her see me laughing.  My mom just starts poking me and asking me to help her out.

I got nothin.

Anna has also taken it upon herself to help ease me back into dating.

A conversation within the first week that I am home:

Me: I have forgotten how to flirt.

Anna: It’s easy.  I’ll teach you. She then proceeded to give me all the steps.  Just in case you wondering, the trick to flirting is complementing.  Especially one’s biceps. So if I ever compliment you on your biceps I guess I’m flirting with you.  That’s all I’ve got 😉


Anna is an expert on long-distance relationships.  Not sure how that topic of conversation came up. Here’s the advice:

That’s what texting and Facetime are for.

Where’d she learn this?  Disney channel.  Help.

Anna also knows how to break-up with a guy.  This was inspired by Taylor Swift’s latest music video.  Anna says that you have to be tough and say “Listen up, punk. Don’t mess with me.”  Not sure where she picked that one up.

I love you Anna.  Some day you’ll be grateful I wrote this post about you.  Because you’re gonna laugh just as much as we all do 🙂

Anna also tried to teach me how to make this face. This is an embarrassing picture. It's a "baci" candy. It means "kiss" in Italian. Hence the face.

Anna also tried to teach me how to make this face. This is an embarrassing picture. It’s a “baci” candy. It means “kisses” in Italian. Hence the face.  Although I don’t think I’ll be taking any kissing tips from Anna any time soon. She’s 10. I’ll be the one giving her that advice. LET’S HOPE.


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