my year in 5 | blogtember #28

To summarize my year in 5 pictures, I would have to do it like this.

School and studies.  I finished up my last semester at ASU. I miss the studying and the homework and the deadlines.  Because even though it was busy work half of the time, I felt like I was accomplishing things.  Like I was learning and improving my mind. I am now finding ways to be a lifelong learner because it makes me happy.

Emma bike

Graduation. I graduated a sun devil. I feel slightly weird about this still.  I am grateful for the experience, but attending BYU helped shaped my identity in so many ways and I identify with BYU more.  I feel closer, even though my diploma isn’t from there. It hurts to not be able to call myself an alumna.  But at the same time, I feel some sort of pride for graduating from ASU too. Like I was able to do this hard thing and accomplish it.


Discovering my professional self.  As I have graduated, I have immersed myself in my job in working with international students. I continue to understand myself more in this environment.  I have learned from some major mistakes as well as become more confident.  I have also realized that you know what? I am a smart capable professional international businesswoman! Who would have thought? I chose this picture because I love how much Leslie Knope loves her job and puts all of her heart into it. I want to be this way in all areas of my life.  By embracing this philosophy, I am trying to choose positivity and do my best in everything, while at the same time understanding that my best is enough as long as I give it.


Reading.  This has been the year of audiobooks, books before bed, and books on every vacation. Reading has always been something that I have loved to do since I could pick things up. I loved books and so many levels.  As I read books and delve into the characters’ lives, I feel alive and like a part of myself that I forgot about for a couple of years.


Finally, St. George is my final picture.  Because we have moved here and it is going to be our next adventure.  I love it already.

st george golfing

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